Class Descriptions
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For ages: 2 - 4
Join NCS for a unique program, Tiny Salts, for toddlers ages 2 and 3 this summer! Younger 4 year-olds are also welcome to join this class, if an introduction to sailing alongside a caregiver feels more comfortable! On Tuesdays, from either 9:00AM to 10:00AM or 10:30AM to 11:30AM, we'll introduce your child to sailboats, kayaks, paddle boards, the seashore and more. We'll meet at our Jetties Sailing Center and children must be accompanied by a caregiver. Both the child and the caregiver should plan to get wet, as we jump in and out of boats, sing sailing songs, and learn some new 'sailing' words! Capacity is limited to 12 students/toddlers. Tiny Salts is a one-off program that will occur on seven Tuesdays throughout the summer. NCS will be offering three Thursday sessions during the summer.
What to bring:
- Bathing suit (please have it on, under shorts and t-shirt is fine!)
- Closed toe shoes that can be worn in and out of the water -- mandatory
- Towel and warm, dry clothes to change into
- Snack, water bottle (we will not stop for a snack, but in case your toddler is hungry afterwards)
- Life jacket - wearing one is mandatory. We'll provide one, but you are also welcome to bring one "" either a Type III USCG-approved vest OR the USCG approved swim-aid by Body Glove.
- *The Sandbar Restaurant has changing facilities and bathrooms, if-needed!
Tiny Salts will take place on the following Tuesdays in 2025: July 1, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29, August 5, and August 12. Tiny Salts will also take place on the three Thursdays throughout the summer. Our Thursday dates will be announced in the spring. The class will run a morning session from 9:00AM to 10:00AM and a mid-morning session from 10:30AM to 11:30AM. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to check in.
Where: Jetties Sailing Center, Jetties Beach
*We recommend coming early! Hit the playground at Jetties and then walk over to see us. After class, you can head over to the Sandbar Restaurant with new friends for lunch. Make a morning of it!
View this class in a new page for easy printing.For ages: 8 - 12
Discovery is a two-week class; however, it will be offered as a one-week class during the weeks of June 23 and June 30, 2025. Discovery is open to students who are brand new to sailing and/or brand new to the Opti. These students may start in a RS Quest with an instructor and other sailors to learn the basics of sailing and build confidence before being placed in SailCubes (plastic Optimitst boats). Sailors will work toward independent sailing with other sailors in the RS Quest while concurrently trying independent sailing in the Opti. The goal of this class is to teach basic rigging and sailing skills while developing comfort on the water. Once sailors have demonstrated comfort on the water and proficiency with basic sailing skills in the Opti, they will be recommended for Opti Green.
Discovery will be held in Polpis Harbor, Monday - Friday mornings from 9:15AM -11:45AM and Monday - Friday afternoons from 1:00PM - 3:30PM. Additionally, sailors in the morning and afternoon class of Session 3 will participate in the Coffin Cup as part of their class in Polpis Harbor on Friday, July 18, 2025. Opportunities to for parents/guardians to spectate will be available during the morning Coffin Cup!
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
Discovery students will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 12 - 18
420 Green is a two-week class designed to introduce our teenage students to more technical boats, such as Rhodes 19s and 420s. 420 Green is meant for students ages 12-16. Sailors who are 12 years old should be 115+ lbs and/or at least 5'2".
At the start of a session, sailors may sail in Rhodes 19s with the help of an instructor and 2-3 peers on board; as the session progresses they will sail in 420s independently with another peer, while coached from a skiff. Focus will be on teamwork, basic sailing techniques, and boat handling in a variety of conditions.
420 Green will be offered at Jetties Sailing Center Monday-Friday mornings from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
It is recommended that 420 Green sailors sign up for as many continuous sessions as possible (4+ weeks) throughout the summer. For sailors in a beginner (Green) or intermediate (Blue) class, more "tiller time" throughout the summer, will help sailors to become proficient more quickly-- providing them with the opportunity to join the 420 Racing team. Please contact the NCS office at if you have questions about your sailor's placement.
420 Green students will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
View this class in a new page for easy printing.For ages: 18+
The Advanced Women's Sailing Clinic is designed to specifically give adult women, of all ages the opportunity to refine their sailing skills and develop independence on the water at Jetties Sailing Center. Focus is placed on fine-tuning steering and sail trim while developing skills to participate in our open sailing rental program.
Advanced Women's clinic is offered on Monday mornings from 9:00am - 12:00pm. The class will be offered to a small group of women who should be comfortable sailing without an instructor. Women will sail in groups of 2-3 in our Rhodes 19s while instructors will coach from a power boat. In the case of inclement weather there will be a "chalk-talk" and on-land instruction will still take place.
The goal of the Advanced Women's Clinic is to get women to a point where they can independently rent a sailboat from Nantucket Community Sailing and participate in our open sailing rentals. Participants are encouraged to become Jetties Sailing Center members in order to take advantage of rental benefits. The cost of the clinic is $125 per session. Should you need to cancel your enrollment for a clinic, you must do so at least 24hrs before the clinic is scheduled to take place. If you do not cancel and do not attend the clinic, you will still be responsible for payment. There are no refunds issued due to inclement weather. We ask that you be sure to include your cell phone information during registration, so that we may contact you in case of inclement weather. Please note: Registration will open on our Jetties Sailing Center booking software, not through our youth program registration software.
View this class in a new page for easy printing.For ages: 14 - 17
Intended for our 14 - 17 year old sailors who have participated in a minimum of 420 Blue or 420 Race Team, the Instructor-in-Training Program provides sailors with the opportunity to try out instructing at our Polpis Harbor or Jetties Sailing Center sites under direct supervision and mentorship from our full-time instructors, as well as receive training in how to succeed at sailing instruction.
Sailors must apply for the program and must be accepted by the Program Director. Upon being accepted, volunteers will work with the Program Director to set up a volunteer schedule. In exchange for volunteer hours, volunteers will receive volunteer t-shirts; receive a formal letter from NCS at the end of the summer detailing their time commitment to be used for high school requirements; and be invited to 2-3 training sessions throughout the summer. Training sessions are intended to help prepare volunteers to take the US Sailing Small Boat Level 1 Instructor course. This course is required for all NCS Instructors, and students must be 16 years old to take the course. Summer training sessions will mimic anticipated course work and include sessions on: safe power-boating, chalk-talk delivery/presentation skills; and basic sailing theory.
Volunteers are required to:
- Commit to a regular weekly schedule, which includes 2 days at the site each week.
- Commit to a minimum of 40 volunteer hours.
- Be 14 years old at the start of their volunteer work.
- Be First Aid and CPR certified by the Red Cross or American Heart Association, by the start of volunteering
Volunteers completing the Instructor in Training course and becoming Level 1 certified (once they turn 16), are encouraged to apply to NCS for full employment. However, neither of these guarantees an individual a position at NCS.
To apply to the Instructor-in-Training program, students should complete the NCS Employment Application and select "Volunteer Instructor-in-Training" program at the top. Questions can be directed to Space limited to 6 volunteers.
View this class in a new page for easy printing.For ages: 4 - 5
The Guppies Class is a basic introduction to the sport of sailing intended for independent young sailors interested in gaining confidence and comfort on and around the water. Although Guppies is open to sailors ages 4-5 year-olds, we recommend this class for our older, more independent, 4 - 5 year-olds. Sailors must turn 4 by June 1. The Guppies program includes a mix of basic learning activities and games with a focus on building confidence, safety and fun. Activities include rigging, steering and sailing a pram, harbor tours, sailing in a larger boat, water-based scavenger hunts, basic craft projects, and other sailing and marine related games and activities. Please note, sailors will be limited to two sessions of our Guppies morning program. Additional sessions may be added in our Guppies PM program if the student has interest in sailing beyond two weeks.
The program will run Monday - Friday mornings from 9:30AM - 12:00PM and afternoons from 1:15PM - 3:45PM at the Polpis Harbor location. Sailors in the morning and afternoon session of Week 4 will be invited to participate in the Coffin Cup on Friday, July 18, 2025. Opportunities for parents/guardians to spectate will be available during the morning Coffin Cup!
NCS recognizes that separating from a caregiver can be challenging for our younger sailors. Our instructors will hold the class on shore for 15 minutes at the start of each day. Parents/guardians of sailors who might be having big feelings about separating are advised to remain on shore with their sailor for the first 15 minutes of class. After 15 minutes, the coaches will ask that the sailor either remain independently at class (and the caregiver leaves) or that the student leaves with their caregiver.
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
Guppies students will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 6 - 8
The Whalers Class is for students who are brand new to sailing or have little prior sailing experience. This class, taught in RS Quests, allows students to learn the basics of sailing. Students will first learn to sail alongside 2 - 3 peers and an instructor. This "bigger" boat experience will provide a comfortable environment for basic skill acquisition. After mastering the basic sailing skills, boat parts, points of sail, water safety, seamanship and sportsmanship, students will progress into sailing more independently with their peers and being coached by an instructor in a motorboat alongside. An emphasis will be placed on learning, safety and fun! When the student's individual instructor, as well as the lead instructor of the Whalers class, feels that the student understands the rudiments of sailing and can handle a tiller and main sail on their own, the student is invited to move into either the Discovery or Opti Green class.
The Whalers Class will be held in Polpis Harbor, Monday - Friday mornings from 9:30AM - 12:00PM and Monday - Friday afternoons from 1:15PM - 3:45PM. Additionally, sailors in the morning and afternoon class of Week 4 will participate in the Coffin Cup as part of their class in Polpis Harbor on Friday, July 18, 2025. Opportunities for parents/guardians to spectate will be available during the morning Coffin Cup!
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
Whalers' students will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 8 - 12
Opti Green is a two-week class; however, it will be offered as a one-week class during the weeks of June 23 and June 30, 2025. Opti Green is open to students who have progressed through our Whalers or Discovery classes or who have had prior experience in the Opti. This class, taught in SailCubes (plastic Optimist sailboats), gives students the opportunity to sail independently.
This class will often be split into two or more groups that cater to individual students' skill level and progression. Sailors in Opti Green can expect to sail "Optis" or "SailCubes" independently. Focus is on expanding the concepts of the Whalers and Discovery classes, introducing the basic concepts of racing, and building confidence through both games and basic drills.
The Opti Green Class will be held in Polpis Harbor, Monday - Friday mornings from 9:15 AM - 11:45 AM and Monday - Friday afternoons from 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM. It is recommended that Opti Green sailors sign up for as many continuous sessions as possible (4+ weeks) throughout the summer. Additionally, sailors in the morning and afternoon class of Session 3 will participate in the Coffin Cup as part of their class in Polpis Harbor on Friday, July 18, 2025. Opportunities for parents/guardians to spectate will be available during the morning Coffin Cup!
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
Please note: NCS recommends four weeks of Opti Green programming for students to excel through the curricula.
Opti Green students will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 9 - 12

Opti Blue is a two-week class for students who have sufficiently achieved the goals of the Opti Green class. When the lead Opti Green instructor feels a student has met curriculum goals, the student is invited to participate in our more advanced Opti Blue class. Opti Blue allows students to fine-tune their skills in single-handed sailing. The class will focus on more advanced sailing and racing techniques (such as starting and stopping, landings, capsizing, upwind strategies, tacking and gybing, etc.) Self-sufficiency will be promoted in the Opti Blue class although instruction will remain a key component.
Every Thursday, Opti Blue sailors will join the All-Island Opti Race Team as well as intermediate classes from Nantucket Yacht Club and Great Harbor Yacht Club for an afternoon of racing. Opti Blue sailors are also invited to participate in Saturday Race Days. Sailors are strongly encouraged to participate in on-island racing opportunities. Additionally, Opti Blue sailors in Session 2 will participate in the Coffin Cup at Jetties Sailing Center on Friday, July 18, 2025. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend! It is recommended that Opti Blue sailors sign up for as many continuous sessions as possible (4+ weeks) throughout the summer. More information about on-island racing opportunities will be communicated to Opti Blue families throughout the summer.
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
The next step for an Opti Blue sailor is our All-Island Opti Race Team, or alternatively, if the student is 12 years old our 420 Green class. Opti Blue students, who have significant experience, are invited to participate in the Nantucket Race Week Opti event in August.
The Opti Blue class is held at the Jetties Sailing Center Monday - Friday afternoons from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
Please note: NCS recommends four weeks of Opti Blue programming for students to excel through the curricula.
Opti Blue students will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 9 - 15
The All-Island Opti Race Team is the most advanced class for young Opti sailors on-island. The mission is to enhance the experience and skill level of Nantucket Opti racers by improving opportunities for high-level instruction, training and competition. Admittance to the team will be based upon skill level, commitment, maturity and desire to improve and will be by invitation only (by the student's home Program Director). The All-Island Opti Race Team will run as one session, and it will not be pro-rated for weeks missed.
The All-Island Opti Race Team focuses on the more advanced aspects of racing, such as performance boat handling, acceleration, upwind strategies, mark-rounding, downwind and reaching tactics, advanced tacking and gybing techniques, tactical finishes, sailing rules, etc. Students in the class are considered members of a team. Once on the team, sailors are strongly encouraged to continue in the Opti until they "age out'' or "weigh out", meaning they either turn 16 or weigh over 125 pounds.
Practices will run from 1:00PM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday, and will be held at the Nantucket Yacht Club Boathouse. Full day practices may be scheduled. On Thursday afternoons, students will compete in the All-Island Race Day. Other on-island events include Saturday Race Days and Nantucket Race Week in August, which the All-Island Opti Race Team members are encouraged to participate in. The All-Island Opti Race Team is a travel team, competing in several off-island regattas along the southern Massachusetts coast. All-Island Opti Race Team members can anticipate sailing in two off-island regattas during the summer season. It is recommended that All-Island Opti Race Team commit to the full summer.
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
The All-Island Opti Race Team will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 12 - 18
420 Blue is a two-week class for our intermediate 420 sailors. Sailors will be invited to participate in 420 Blue once they have demonstrated proficiency with the skills taught in 420 Green. In 420 Blue, sailors will be introduced to the basics of flying a spinnaker, using a trapeze, and roll tacking, among other skills. A focus will be on developing basic racing skills in a double-handed boat.
420 Blue sailors are also invited to participate in Saturday Race Days. Sailors in 420 Blue are strongly encouraged to participated in on-island racing opportunities. More information about on-island racing opportunities will be communicated to 420 Blue families throughout the summer.
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
The 420 Blue class is held at the Jetties Sailing Center Monday - Friday mornings from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Please note: Nantucket Community Sailing's instructors and coaches recommend that 420 Green and 420 Blue sailors sign up for as many continuous sessions as possible (4+ weeks) throughout the summer. For sailors in a beginner or intermediate class, more "tiller time" throughout the summer, will help sailors to become proficient more quickly-- providing them with the opportunity to join the 420 Racing team.
420 Blue students will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 13 - 18
The All-Island 420 Race Team is the most advanced class for young 420 sailors on-island. Our afternoon All-Island 420 Race Team is designed to cover more technical concepts in the double-handed dinghy including upwind, downwind and reaching tactical strategies; proficient roll tacking and gybing; proficient spinnaker and trapeze work; advanced boat handling; acceleration techniques; and an introduction to team racing. Sailors are invited to participate on the All-Island 420 Race Team once skills in 420 Blue have been mastered. Previous sailing instruction at NCS is a prerequisite unless by permission of the Program Directors.
The afternoon race class is considered a team, and class is conducted in a way that emphasizes team participation and coherence. All team-members are encouraged to participate on the team for the entire summer. The All-Island Race Team will run as one session, and it will not be pro-rated for missed weeks.
The All-Island 420 Race Team will meet Monday - Friday afternoons from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Jetties Sailing Center. On Wednesday afternoons, students will compete in the All-island Race Day alongside 420 Racers from the Nantucket Yacht Club and Great Harbor Yacht Club. Other on-island events include Saturday Race Days and Nantucket Race Week in August, which the 420 Race program team members are encouraged to participate in. The All-Island 420 Race Team is a travel team, competing in several off-island regattas along the southern Massachusetts coast. All-Island 420 Race Team Members can anticipate sailing in two off-island regattas during the summer season. It is recommended that All-Island 420 Race Team commit to the full summer.
NCS offers shore programming on days that it is too windy to sail. If a shore day is necessary, class time may be shortened. NCS will contact parents/guardians directly via email and text regarding any adjustments to pick-up times.
The All-Island 420 Race Team will wear a life jacket at all times at class (on shore and on the water). Students may bring their own PFD (USCG Type III), should they choose. We ask that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating, Native Footwear, Keen, Crocs and old sneakers all work well. Private lessons may be also be booked on our Jetties Sailing Center website; lessons are offered Monday - Saturday.
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For ages: 18+
The Women's Sailing Clinic is designed to specifically give adult women, of all ages and skill levels, the opportunity to learn to sail or to refine previous sailing skills, at the Jetties Sailing Center. Focus is placed on teaching and reviewing the fundamentals, as well as introducing students to the basics of racing. Key goals of the class include building confidence and ensuring that students are comfortable on the water. Classes are taught primarily in Rhodes 19s or Marshall 15s with an instructor and 2-3 students on board. In the case of inclement weather there will be a "chalk-talk" and on-land instruction will still take place.
Women's clinic is offered on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00pm - 4:00pm. This clinic will offer beginner racing instruction. At times, the group will be split into two groups both off the water and on. Lesson plans and water drills will be oriented towards introductory sailing and racing concepts - although, they will always be tailored to the abilities of the students.
Women's Clinic is $75 per session. Should you need to cancel your enrollment for a clinic, you must do so at least 24hrs before the clinic is scheduled to take place. If you do not cancel and do not attend the clinic, you will still be responsible for payment. There are no refunds issued due to inclement weather. We ask that you be sure to include your cell phone information during registration, so that we may contact you in case of inclement weather. Please note: Registration will open on our Jetties Sailing Center booking software, not through our youth program registration software.
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For ages: 11 - 18
In 2025, we are piloting the Jetties Sailing Club! This one-week class, offered Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, is intended for sailors 11-18 y/o of intermediate abilities who may not be interested in racing but still endure a love of being on the water. The Jetties Sailing Club exposes sailors to a variety of boat types and instills skills in seamanship to prepare sailors for a lifetime of sailing. Skills learned in the class include basic sailing skills, chart reading, knot-tying, and basic navigation. Sailors may be exposed to the following boats within the week: Rhodes 19, Marshall Cat 15, J70 and Club 420. Multi-week sailors may work to earn their open sailing pass to independently rent a boat at Jetties Sailing Center.
Explore Nantucket Harbor with Jetties Sailing Club! Jetties Sailing Club is offered as a one-week class Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 1:30-4:00PM at Jetties Sailing Center.
While life jackets are provided and required when on the water, each NCS student should be comfortable in and around the water and have basic swimming skills. We mandate that students wear appropriate shoes (closed-toe) when participating. Examples of closed-toe shoes are Native Footwear, Crocs, Keen and old sneakers.
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