Scholarship Program
Click here to download our scholarship application.
Haga clic aquí para descargar nuestra solicitud de beca en español
Clique aqui para baixar o nosso pedido de bolsa em português
The goal of our scholarship program is to help to give local youth every opportunity to learn the life-long skills of sailing. To be eligible for a scholarship, participants must be enrolled in year-round schooling on Nantucket. We are able to grant these scholarships thanks to generous gifts from private donors and foundations. Their support is very important to us at Community Sailing and is sincerely appreciated by island children and their families.
Scholarships are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis as funds are available.
Scholarship funds will begin to be allocated Tuesday, January 30, 2024.
We would like to thank the following foundations for their generous donations and support to our scholarship and community outreach programs:
- Community Foundation for Nantucket - Nantucket Fund
- Cape Cod 5 Foundation
- Nantucket Golf Club Foundation
- Nantucket Island Resorts
With your help, the NCS scholarship program can continue to grow and reach as many island children as possible.
Click here to support our scholarship program.