NCS Program Registration Going Live!
January 27, 2017
Dear NCS Parents, Sailors, & Friends,
This is a reminder that the 2017 NCS program registration will be going live for ALL REGISTRANTS on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 12:00pm NOON EST.
If you haven’t yet, please visit the NCS website to view all of the programs that we are offering for the 2017 summer season as well as their corresponding schedules.
CLICK HERE to register on Wednesday at 12pm NOON EST or visit the NCS website and click on the REGISTER NOW button.
A few things to keep in mind when registering:
- If you did not register for a program last year, you will need to create an Active Account (email address and password). You can do so by clicking HERE and selecting Sign Up.
- If you are a returning user, you will be prompted to enter the email address and password that was used last year before checking out.
- The registration system will time out after 15 minutes - if the system times out, you will need to start over.
- An NCS membership is required for all sailors participating in the 2017 season - the minimum membership required is a $75 Youth Student Membership - Please note that you are NOT required to purchase an Active Network membership at the end of the registration process.
- When filtering NCS' sessions be sure to enter the age your sailor will be when they start their session.
- If you do not get the session that you want you can sign up for the waitlist at no charge. Don't despair! There can be movement on the waitlists and we will try to ensure that your sailor gets out on the water this summer.
- If you are unsure of what session to sign up for, please call the NCS office at 508-228-6600.
Below is a list of links that we think might be helpful as you prep for Monday’s launch at 12:00pm NOON EST.
NCS Carpooling & Polpis Van Service
We are looking forward to the warmer days ahead and are so excited to see new and returning sailors out on the water this summer!
- Your Friends at NCS