Opera House Cup News


NRW and OHC are on - but different
July 17, 2020

Dear Nantucket Race Week and Opera House Cup participants,

We are pleased to finally announce the 17th annual Nantucket Race Week and the 48th Opera House Cup Regatta, August 8 – 16, 2020. Up until a week ago we were not even sure we could host a regatta, but now we can, in concert with the MA Phase III reopening guidelines as of July 6th. As usual, we welcome our competitors of all ages to race in a variety of separate competitions throughout the week, designed for every size of boat from the remote-controlled Dragon Flite 95 model boat to kiteboards, Optimists, Rhodes 19s and classic wooden yachts. Registration will be opening over the coming days and further information is available at http://www.nantucketraceweek.org/ and www.operahouse.org.

This year is not your normal Race Week, and we are making some significant changes to comply with the Phase III guidelines and ensure everyone's safety:

  • We have eliminated all social events and on-shore activities – registrations and results will be online, and competitors meetings will be over the radio

  • We have eliminated or restructured the multi-day racing events to single-day competitions

  • We have reduced registration fees

  • All participants must wear face coverings

  • Social distancing is required

  • We encourage frequent hand washing and/or hand sanitizing

  • Boats are limited to a crew of no more than 3 people

In addition, please be aware that Massachusetts currently requires a 14 day quarantine for all visitors to the state, EXCEPT those from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

Unfortunately we are unable to offer lunches, water refill stations, complimentary moorings, or access to the yacht clubs this year. We encourage you to bring reusable water bottles and visit Nantucket's wonderful restaurants for outdoor dining and take-out options. Nantucket Race Week merchandise and gear is available for order online and can be picked up daily during Nantucket Race Week, or prior by arrangement, at the Nantucket Community Sailing office at 4 Winter Street.

Even though this is a very different Nantucket Race Week, it remains the primary fundraiser for Nantucket Community Sailing and allows free or subsidized sailing lessons for island children. Thank you for your participation in 2020 Nantucket Race Week and the Opera House Cup, your support for Nantucket Community Sailing, and for helping keep Nantucket Strong.

We look forward to welcoming you on the water.

NRW and OHC Committees

P.O. Box 2424, Nantucket, MA 02584
NCS Office: 508-228-6600 | Jetties Sailing Center: 508-228-5358
© 2025 Nantucket Community Sailing, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization